oogle Plus is touted as the Facebook killer presumably someone has been waiting for. If you have such intense feelings invested in Facebook or social media at all you probably need to leave the computer and have a nice tea, but whatever.

That aside, Google plus has garnered a ton of positive reviews, but it’s not all sunshine and status updates, there is a disappointing underbelly to all this.

Circles So You Can Relive High School

The most noticeable difference between Google + and Facebook is the social circles function which has one purpose, to segregate your friends. Finally you can avoid the sticky situation of posting a status update about how you pooped in your boss’ office plant when he was out at lunch while at the same time forgetting he’s on your friend list by ensuring he’s in a circle that your update isn’t posted to. Of course you could just not add people to your social networks that you don’t want to know what kind of person you are but that would mean being in a n honest society and God knows we can’t have that. So instead, everyone has to get quantified and qualified and you expend more effort determining who amongst your friends gets to read what.

You also get to wonder what you’re seeing on your friends’ pages. Are you in the cool kid circle? Or are you just an acquaintance? Just a sorry *** loser who gets to see family vacation photos and nothing else.
Everyone You’ve Ever Emailed Will Add You

I have been on Google + for a week and half of the people who have added me I honestly don’t know. I was in their contact list and they saw I had Google + so they tossed me in a circle. I hope my circle is “who is this guy?” because that’s the circle I made for them.

If you remember when you first got on Facebook, this is the exact same thing that happened there. You added your email contacts but then you thought “what ever happened to that one-legged girl from grade 7?” so you looked her up and Holy Shit! She’s on Facebook! So you added her too. Then 100 other people you haven’t talk to since.

What am I, an 11 year old girl who’s really into orienteering all of a sudden? My interests are not “sparks.” Just call them interests since someone else cornered the market on “like.”
Is Google Any Less Evil than Facebook?

One of the big pushes to get people on Google + instead of Facebook is security issues. If Facebook were a bank, they’d be keeping your valuables in paper bags hung from tree branches.

But do you trust Google to not do the same? Didn’t Google scam personal info from wi-fi networks? Weren’t they saving search data for an inordinate amount of time? I’m not saying they’re up to shenanigans but if Facebook gets a bug up your butt, why not Google?
It’s Unnecessary

Google + isn’t Facebook and that’s kind of its only selling point. That’s like going to the hooker with herpes because she advertises herself as not the hooker with super gonorrhea. Is that good? Not really, just something else. I guess it depends on your feelings about VD. But in terms of social networking, which is a term that I think honestly doesn’t mean anything, Google + is just another way to either ignore people you don’t actually care about or pointlessly update those you d care about who in turn ignore you because you’re in their circle of those they don’t care about.
Facebook has been around for years – everyone you know on Google + is already on Facebook, plus hundreds of other people. Is the font too hard to read?

99% of social media is masturbation (the metaphorical kind). No one really needs it to keep in touch with their good friends, you probably talk to those people other places, like in person and other crazy things. You use social media to make jokes, post links you like, hilarious photos and tell everyone what you’re doing in status updates. It’s not social media so much as “I’m important” media. If anything, with its circles and segregation, Google + makes it harder to be lazy about telling people what you’re up to.

People who are sick of Facebook and want to use Google + are like people who are sick of the wallpaper in their bathroom. You can change it, but at the end of the day it’s the same room.
And the Pluses!

Not to be a total downer, we can recognize the upside to Google + and that’s the lake of awful apps. People were excited for apps once upon a time on Facebook, but let’s be honest, one app in 1000 is useful. The rest are godforsaken and terrible. I don’t want to see an app on Google + for anything. I can manage my life just fine without apps. I don’t need Farmville, I don’t need Mafia wars, I don’t need invitations every single day to every stupid thing you have stumbled across. Don’t make me banish you to my “Idiot” circle.

That being said, check to see if Google + exists in a year and if it hasn’t gone down the same road as Facebook, offering up plenty of real estate for awful apps and ads and all manner of spammy crap that clogs your inbox because Google wants to make money of this, they don’t want you to chat with your old high school friends.
